Nike for Everyone

Shoe shopping experience for those in wheelchairs
Product Experience Design
The shopping experience
As shopping increasingly shifts from physical stores to online platforms, brands are prioritizing the enhancement of the digital experience.
Understanding the diverse factors that influence consumer choices, my design project focuses on enriching experiences through personalization, by exploring customization and user-centric design, this project aims to redefine consumer interactions with brands, creating a seamless and engaging shopping journey that builds lasting connections and memories.
Online shopping vs. Offline shopping
Is the internet going to take over the our shopping experience?

Offline shopping remains crucial despite the internet's rise, allowing tactile interaction with products, deepening emotional connection to brands, and enabling instant gratification through immediate access and personalized customer service unmatched by online platforms.

Who is this for?

With limited accessibilty many of those in wheelchairs are being deprived from the experiences of going out and enjoying the of shopping.

Shoes for those in wheelchairs ?

Shoes offer essential protection and comfort that are crucial for individuals in wheelchairs. Yet, they also give hope and joy, and for many, they hold greater values than for rest of us.